New Way To Install Counter With Histats In Your Blog

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Monday, June 23, 2014

How to install Counter with histats is one way of many ways to record impressions of visitors who come to our blog. Recorded the track record is usually a number of visits, number of clicks or number of pages that are opened, the source of visitor arrivals, keywords from search engines or referral, and so forth.

Histats used with a variety of advantages:

100% free alias free alias gretongan-  Real-time stat-  Password protection-  Statistical no limits-  Relevant data-  Display a nice graphical-  Control over the appearance of data to the public-  Enter the data in cache memory-  Fast loading web-  Have more than 800 types of display counter / timers-  Has a hidden tracker 

Starting install histatsIn general very simple, with 3 easy steps

   1. Register Your Website
2. Pick a counter or hidden tracker
3. Paste code in your website counter

Detailed steps to install Counter histats 

1.Goto web site

   -  In the Register Your Website, enter your blog URL address 
   -  Select the display language
   -  Click the "Register"  

2.   Will open a new page "Create new account"

    -   Fill in the "Mail" and "Mail Confirm" (fill in the name of the same email with "Mail")
Fill in the "Password" and "Confirm Password" (fill in the password the same as "Password")
     -   Click "Continue"    

3.   Additional forms will appear.

    -  Determine the current time (Current Time)
    -  Determine Time Zone (Time Zone) choose ASIA / JAKARTA for WIB.
    -  Fill Captcha in accordance with the image for verification data.
    -  Check the boxes for "I have read and agree Publisher Agreement Terms"
        as a sign that you agree to all rules that are applied histats.    
    -  Click "Sav
     -   " Registrasion done! Please check your mailbox "
     -     Open the email according to email register at last hitstats 

4.   If the form has been filled in and correct all the completed registration
5.   If you have verified your email, then you can log into histat
 accordance with the user email address and password that you specify. If login successfully, you will go to the "control panel" histats the first time. Click the "Add a Website".

6.   Open a new page "Create new website / blog". Fill in the form according to your data.
     -   Site / url blog content with full address you by using the http://
     -   Fill in the Title / blog title
     -   Fill in the Description or explanation of your blog.
     -   Let the "Page views start value" and "Visitors start value" in
          empty. If the new blog created, do not cheat by filling in its value.
     -   Determine the time and zone wkatu (Time Zone)
     -   Fill Type: Blog
     -   Category: Personal homepages
     -    Language Bahasa let alone so
     -    Fill in the appropriate image Captcha
     -   Stat Visibility can be chosen "Site stats are visible to everyone" 
         (Statistics blog can be seen by everyone) or "Site stats are visible 
          only to you" (Statistics blog can only be seen by your own)
     -   Click "Continue"  

Congratulations have successfully registered your account and your blog into
 Next is Displays statistics on visitors to your blog histats 

1.  From the previous step (number 6), will re-open the page "Control Panel" that already contains the address that you register your blog. 

   -   Click the url address of your blog is such http:/  

2.   Will open a new page General Stats, Account Summary blogs that contain data that you have registered. Because the new blog is registered, then it is still blank with a flat graphic with no content are sorry the picture is cut offFor histats can identify and obtain data about visitors of your blog and other data, then we need to include a code (code) to connect with histats. Follow the next steps.

3.   On the right side of the color orange is blind reads "Counter Code".

    -   Click the button that Code Counter.

4.   Will open a new page "Add new counters"

    -   Click the Add new counters

5.   Will open the page "Create new tracking counter"

     -  His first step is "Select a counter style" which consists of 1 line
        (1 line), 2 lines (2 lines), 3 lines (3 lines), 4 line (row),
         logos, animated, text, hidden (not displayed on the blog,
         but still recorded by histats), and online vis that displays the number of visitors online only). 
    -   It is recommended to take a type 4 line (4 lines) that contains Pages 
        (many pages are opened / clicked), Pages Today (many pages are 
        opened / clicked today), Visits (number of visits), Vis Today 
        (number of visits for today), Every 2 seconds will be shown online 
        (number of visitors online at this time.)
    -   Click on any picture you like      

6.   Check the boxes Visitor Today, Total Visitors, Pages View Today, Total Pages
views, and Online to bring all the statistics.

    -   Click "Save"  

7.    Open the page "Standard Counter"

     -  Click the number on the "Counter id"
     -  Note the HTML code below it says "Paste this code in your HTML editor Would you like to Nowhere
display the counter, at the bottom of the page, in a table, div or under a menu. "

     -  Block html code, and Copy button on the keyboard by pressing CTRL + V or right click select "Copy"

  8. Finish look it the result
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